## HW3 Out Feb 6 ## HW3 Due Feb 17 ## HW3.1 internal deadline: Feb 10 ## HW3.2 internal deadline: Feb 13 ## NAME: ## ESTIMATED TIME: ## This line "reads" anna_challenge_functions.py and loads some functions that Anna has written. import anna_challenge_functions def main(): ''' This main() function converts the DNA sequence from a dataset into mRNA and finally to a peptide sequence. Inputs: Nothing (set dataset variable below) Outputs: Nothing. ''' # Set dataset to one of the following strings: 'testPos','SRC','testNeg', or 'TMPRSS2' dataset = 'testPos' print('Dataset:',dataset) # Use the getData() function from anna_functions.py to get all the information # associated with a dataset. dna,exonStarts,intronStarts,strand,rnaFromFile,peptideFromFile = anna_challenge_functions.getData(dataset) # CALL FUNCTIONS WITHIN MAIN() HERE. return # done with the main() function. # WRITE NEW FUNCTIONS HERE. ## The lines below will call the main() function if __name__ == '__main__': main()